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* Aging In Place - Very useful guide to Scams Affecting Elderly People
Sad, but common and preventable!
* Alien Autopsy - How to Make an Alien
Great stuff !
* The Art Bell Web Page of weird and wonderful stuff
Thank you, Taco Bill !
* Australia : You're standing in it
Everything you ever wanted to know about Australia, but were afraid to ask.
* Autism related resources, including Asperger's Syndrome
Lots of very interesting info. and links relating to autism.
* Babylon5
Supposedly "one of the most significant contributions to Science Fiction since 'Star Trek'
* Batteries
Batteries - Very interesting site with LOTS of information about batteries
* Beyond 2000 Homepage
Beyond 2000 - Home Page
* Bugging
Bugs, of the electronic type


* Business Directories
Access Business Online (BizWiz)
* Business directories
ComFind global business directory
* Business Directories
* Business Directories
* Business Directories
* Business Directories
New Riders' Official WWW Yellow Pages
* Business Directories
Starting Point
* Business Directories
World Direct - Austrade site
* Banking and personal finance
Interesting site, with info on all US banks. And in particular, check out the "Knowledge Base" link at bottom of page


* Search Engines
* Search Engines
Alta Vista
* Search Engines
DejaNews Research
* Search Engines
Dogpile Multi-search Engine (User Configurable)
* Search Engines
EINet Galaxy
* Search Engines
excite Netsearch
* Search Engines
Google - the best (seems to get most relevant hit rate)
* Search Engines
Inktomi Web Services
* Search Engines
Ixquick - 12 simultaneous engines
* Search Engines
* Search Engines
MonkeySweat - funny name, but good search engine!
* Search Engines
Multicrawl Parallel Search Engine
*Private search engine
Great private search engine !
* Search Engines
Open Text
* Search Engines
Virtual Shareware Library
* Search Engines
* Search Engines


*AI - falsely accused of using ChatGPT to plagiarise stuff for academia
AI Detection falsely accused of using ChatGPT to plagiarise academic writing
*Anwers to YOUR questions ?
Problem with learning styles
*A Pup Above
A Pup Above - Filling Bellies, Not Landfills !
*Art shed online
Is art a medium which portrays your inner feelings ?
*Bike COVID Safety
Cycle COVID Safety
*Bike Evolution GIF
Bicycle Frame Evolution in a good GIF
*Bike Safety for beginners
Bike safety for Beginners
*Busting the Toxic Myths
Freshman 15 - Why we think it's a toxic myth !
*Chili Lovers - Check this out
International Chili Society (ICS). Includes winnning recipes of all chili cookoffs.
*Chimney Inspection Checklist
Chimney Inspection Checklist: Essential Homeowner’s Tips
*CHOICE magazine Home Page
CHOICE magazine - WWW Home Page
*Classroom Behaviour Management
Classroom Behaviour Management - Common Mistakes and How To Avoid Them !
*Comparison site - wood or composite decking
Comparison site - wood vs composite decking
*Composite decking
Wood or composite decking ?
*Cool Site of the Day
Check out the very best in Home Page designs
*Country Flags
Country Flags : but not just flags - lots of other fascinating information as well !
*Discovery Channel Online
The Best Channel There Is !
*DIY Gardening
A UK website which deals with gardening - lots of interesting info ! (But also see : Back Garden Astronomy !)
Dogs - Health benefits and rtisks of owning a dog !
Dogs - 9 Health Benfits of owning a dog !
*DOOMSCROLLING - The new Drug of the 21st Century
Doomscrolling - Very Interesting BLOG about how to STOP !
*E-Bikes !
E-Bikes ! Everything you need to know !
*Eight types of research grants
Boster Antibody And Elisa Experts : 8 Types of Research Grants
Embroidery for mental health
*Enigma : Album 3 was released !
Hot Rock Group !
*Essential Garage Door Safety Tips
Essential Garage Door Safety Tips Homeowners MUST Know
*First Nations !
Michigan Indian Elders Association - First Nation Links !
*Fishing : The Aussie Lure Shop
Fishing Gear For Sale
*Foreign Languages
Crash Courses for FREE !
*Garage Door Track Types: 6 Superior Picks For Homeowners
Garage Door Track Types
*Garden Sheds for Pet Owners
Cool Garden Sheds for Pet Owners !
*Gift Giving Etiquette for Businesses
Gift giving - Etiquette for Businesses - Very Good Resource
*Golf Simulator
Best Golf Simulator of 2022
*Green Plumbing
Green Plumbing: Embracing Sustainability
*Holistic Health
Montares Holistic Health Therapies
*How to handle Household Chemicals Safely
How to handle household chemicals safely - a very interesting resource !
*Insurance tips for parents with teenage drivers
Insurance tips for parents with teenage drivers
*Kyinno Biotech - a preclinical contract research organization (CRO)
"Boost your drug discovery with our innovative products and services"
*Laravel Developments
Laravel Developments
*Lonely Planet - The Ultimate Travel Guides
By Tony Wheeler, the Ultimate Peripatetic
*Managing Classroom Behaviour
Managing Classroom Behaviour - What It Is, and How To Manage it Best !
*Missing persons
Did you know that 28,000 (!!!) people go missing in Australia every year ? Help to locate them.
*More Scam Busters
Unfortunately, the human mind is fertile when it comes to cheating
*Morse code at the movies
Fascinating list of Morse usage and abusage in the movies and on TV.
*Movies on the Web !
QuickCam in action on IEEE Spectrum's site
* National Geographic Home Page
Yes, folks, it was only a matter of time !
*Nitrocellulose Membrane for Western Blot
Nitrocellulose Membrane for Western Blot
*Olympics 1
The Ancient Olympic Games Museum
*Olympics 2
The next destination : Sydney, 2000
*Online Classroom Management
Online Classroom Management - Five Tips for Making the Shift
*Replacement Of Toshiba Laptop Battery
Spare Parts Warehouse - Great Prices on Toshiba and other brands of Laptop Replacement Batteries and other products
*Safety for Seniors
Safety for Seniors
*Salon ('Net magazine)
About tattoing your face, bilingual puns, and other strange things
*Scam Busters
Check out ways that people try to cheat others on the 'Net
*Scrabble Site
"Kelly's Scrumdiddlyumptious Scrabble Site"
Lots of very interesting information about scams aimed at seniors !
*Seniors - Avoid Fraud
How seniors can avoid fraud !
*Seniors - Avoid Scams
How seniors can avoid scams !
*Seniors - Interesting Links
Snohomish County, WA - Suggestions for Seniors
*Seniors Owning Pets
Benefits of Seniors Owning Pets
*Seniors - PixelPrivacy Homepage
Seniors - Security Considerations
*Seniors Protection against Online Scams
Online scams - things to look out for, for Seniors
*Sexuality after menopause
Guide to maintaining sexuality after menopause
*Single Mothers
Resources for Single Mothers !
*Step by Step Guide to Branding
Step By Step Guide To Branding
*Stim ('Net magazine)
Definition of "skanky" women
*Teenage drivers - Safety Tips
Safety Tips for teenage drivers
*Telstra : Australian Local Services Index
Internet and WWW Services (& Mirrors) which are set up locally at Telstra.
*Telstra : Popular Home Pages Index
Pointers to a number of Popular Home Pages.
*Telstra : Specific Subject Meta Indexes
Comprehensive indexes to information on certain Specific Subject topics.
*The Economist
Good summaries of the latest in politics and business
*The Learning Haven
This appears to be a chain that encircles the WORLD ! There are a number of centers in Australia, alone !
*The yuckiest site on the Internet
All about cockroaches and other bugs
*Think Systems "Web Recycler" - Really Cool Re-Browser
Think Systems Pty. Ltd., of Melbourne, Australia
*"This is True", by Randy Cassingham
Hard to believe, but really true. This man has a sick mind, and I *love* it !
*Time News
Time Magazine news, features and specials
*Time Warner
Time Warner's Internet Service
*Top Cycling Tips for Beginners
Getting Started : Top Cycling Tips for Beginners
*Toshiba Homepage
Toshiba Mobile Computers - Home Page
*Toyota Online Homepage
Toyota Online - Home Page
*Toy Story
Movie clips and sound clips from Toy Story
*UFOs : British UFO Research Association (BUFORA)
Weird and whacky 1 : UFOs - BUFORA (British UFO Reasearch Association)
*UFOs : CNI News
Weird and whacky 2 : UFOs - CNI News, edited by Michael Lindemann
*UFOs : Journal and Society of Scientific Exploration
Weird and whacky 3 : UFOs - Journal and Society of Scientific Exploration
*UFOs : National UFO Reporting Centre
Weird and whacky 4 : UFOs - National UFO Reporting Centre
*UFOs : Science Frontiers
Weird and whacky 5 : UFOs - Science Frontiers - William Corliss
*UFOs : Science, Logic, and the UFO Debate
Weird and whacky 6 : UFOs - Science, Logic, and the UFO Debate
*UFOs : UK "Flying Saucer Review"
Weird and whacky 7 : UFOs - UK "Flying Saucer Review"
*UFOs : Unofficial Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
Weird and whacky 8 : UFOs - Unofficial Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
* Urban Legends
Some very funny stories, but none true (such as a ship telling a lighthouse to get out of the way !)

Contact Details
Autoscan Systems Pty. Ltd.

Street Address : 4/293 Bay Street, Brighton 3186 Victoria Australia
Postal Address : PO Box 112, Ormond 3204 Victoria Australia
Telephone : +61 3 9596 8065 / +61 3 9596 8092
Facsimile : +61 3 9596 8369
Email :
Geographic coordinates : Lat. 37 deg. 52 min. South, 145 deg. East
Melway streetmap reference : 67 F9
Ham Radio World-Wide Locator (WW-LOC) : QF 22 md
Webmaster (Mike Krochmal VK3KRO) :
NEW URL ! : http://www.autoscan.com.au/

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